Germaine Richier, une rétrospective
The exhibition
After a majestic exhibition at the Centre Pompidou, the work of Germaine Richier is now on show in Montpellier. As the town of her family and the place where she trained, the sculptor remained strongly attached to her region, having driftwood and roots sent to her to use in her compositions, and insisting that her bronze figure of Loretto, her first purchase by the State in 1937, be deposited in the Musée Fabre.
Extract from an article in the N°107 de la revue Art Absolument. Publication date: July 13, 2023.
Extract from an article in the N°107 de la revue Art Absolument. Publication date: July 13, 2023.
12/07/2023 - 05/11/2023