Monette Guermont

1925 (Strasbourg )
Living in : Paris
Working in : Paris

A painter in an art world long dominated by men, she works in her Paris studio and rarely exhibits. The daughter of Alsatians who emigrated to Argentina, she lived between France and Argentina until she was 35, immersing herself in the cultural heritage of both countries. Introduced to art in 1939 by Juana Lumerman's studio, she was impressed by the paintings of Joaquin Torrès Garcìa, and joined his studio in Uruguay at the age of 18. After practising colourful figurative painting in Argentina, she freed herself from imitating the real world when she returned to Paris in the 1960s. In her ‘fabrication’ studio, she explored her imagination and based her painting exclusively on the use of materials from the earth: mica, marble, coal, slate, brick, sand.
She then introduced ‘signs’ into her painting, bringing it closer to parietal art.



Published to coincide with the TERRE D'ARTISTES exhibition // 52 pages // 20 x 24 cm Earth is a material that has always fascinated and inspired artists. It is both the origin and the end. Works created from clay, often with a raw appearance, are all imbued with a kind of mystery, an indescribable character, a magnetic depth. They reveal traces of time, memory and life. Our exhibition, Te ...


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