Vera Molnár, Parler à l’oeil

Vera Molnár, Parler à l’oeil : Vera Molnár. Cercles et demi-cercles. 1953, huile sur toile, 80,5 x 100 cm. Musée de Grenoble.    Vera Molnár, Parler à l’oeil : Vera Molnár. Quatre éléments distribués au hasard. 1959, dessin, bandes de film adhésif collées sur carton, 75 x 75 cm. Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris, musée national d’Art moderne – Centre de création industrielle.   

The exhibition

This is the last exhibition to be staged in collaboration with the artist, who has produced a special installation for the occasion, La Vie en M (2023), into which we literally enter to begin an essentially chronological tour, and which, through its massive presence, makes up for the only absence of a body of work in the Centre's collections - painted or glued letters, created with the Machine imaginaire, a term coined by Vera Molnár to designate a process that anticipated the use of the computer as an artistic production tool, a process she pioneered in France as early as 1968.

Extract from the article by Vincent Baby published in N°110 of the magazine Art Absolument. Published on 2 July 2024


28/02/2024 - 23/08/2024
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