
Météorologiques. : Geneviève Asse Ouverture II, 1971 Huile sur toile, 194,5 x 228 cm, Le Havre, Musée d’art moderne André Malraux, acquis avec l'aide du FRAM Normandie © MuMa Le Havre / Charles Maslard © ADAGP, Paris, 2022    Météorologiques. : Jean-Francis Auburtin Varengeville, gros effet de nuages, bord de mer, 1904 – 1930 Gouache et fusain sur papier, 32 x 51,5 cm, Le Havre, Musée d’art moderne André Malraux, don Francine et Michel Quentin, 2007 © MuMa Le Havre / Charles Maslard    Météorologiques. : François Azambourg Dessin. Cerf-volant 2, 2022 Aquarelle sur papier de soie, bois et ficelles, 45 x 45 cm © François Azambourg / courtoisie Galerie 8 + 4, Paris    Météorologiques. : Colette Brunschwig Sans titre, 1977 Acrylique et huile sur toile, 35 x 35 cm © Colette Brunschwig / courtoisie Galerie Wolff   

The exhibition

Météorologiques was born of a creative trio: the director of the MuMa Annette Haudiquet, the critic Jean-Jacques Fleury and the photographer Jacqueline Salmon, who is very present in the exhibition. Following on from Cela qui ne peut être peint, an exhibition devoted to the wind and shown throughout the summer of 2022 in the museum in Le Havre, this new display gives a privileged place to the representation of all the nuances of the air. Mists, clouds and rain blur the forms and allow all metamorphoses. The landscape can be modified at will. The frost or the mist on the glass play with appearances, radically derealize, suggesting a moving theater of shadows and lights from which the divine and its angers have moved away. Nature, here rarely peaceful, dialogues directly with the artist. Peaceful, it is silent. Jostled by the weather, it vibrates. What a photographer-traveler like Bernard Plossu superbly captures, in their infinite variety, on all the territories of the world. Numerous works from the MuMa collection are on display, and fruitful dialogues abound, for example between Monet and the native of Le Havre Colette Brunschwig, testifying to a vast scenographic work and a formidable aesthetic range. From Eugène Boudin to Renoir, to our contemporaries, from Geneviève Asse, Claire Trotignon, Sarah Moon or Alexandre Hollan to Bernard Moninot, the exhibition, remarkable for its airy openness, never ceases to wander...

Extract from the article by Christian Noorbergen published in the N°104 de la revue Art Absolument. Published February 3, 2023


26/11/2022 - 05/03/2023
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