Christophe Comentale

Doctor in art history and sinologist, former cultural attaché at the French embassy in Beijing, curator at the Musée de l'Homme and lecturer on Chinese civilization at the National School of Decorative Arts. Author of numerous works such as Lucky Images in China (2004), Gays and Lesbians in China (2005), Portraits of Chinese Creators (2009), One Hundred Years of Chinese Art (2010), The Book of Art Books ( 2013), Jade Promises of Eternity (2015), The Acupuncturist Who Trumped Dogs (2014), Fragments of Exoticism (2020), The Treatise on Bamboo Shoots (2021), One Hundred and Fifty Years of Art in China (2023). Christophe Comentale has curated several exhibitions, notably the one in Taipei in 2007 entitled The Artist's Book, from Matisse to Contemporary Art.

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