Jean Hugo, le regard magique

Jean Hugo, le regard magique : Jean Hugo, Métamorphoses. 1929, tempera sur toile, 32,5 x 54 cm. Musée Fabre, Montpellier, collection particulière.    Jean Hugo, le regard magique : Jean Hugo, Plantation d’une vigne. 1957, huile sur contreplaqué. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nîmes.   

The exhibition

During this summer of 2024, the Fabre Museums in Montpellier and Paul-Valéry Museums in Sète joined forces to pay tribute to Jean Hugo (1894-1984) on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of his death. Great-grandson of the famous writer, Jean Hugo is the author of a “complete and prolific” work, which reflects the intense life of a man who was in turn a painter, decorator, illustrator and poet, both worldly and provincial. Through a set of 330 pieces, the Fabre Museum exhibition focuses on the life of Jean Hugo until the Second World War, focusing in particular on his membership in the avant-gardes at the beginning of the 20th century while that of Paul-Valéry Museum, bringing together an important group of works dominated by the question of landscape, returns to his deep, even mystical, attachment to nature.

Extract from the article by Sélène Potier published in N°110 of Art Absolument magazine. Publication date: July 2, 2024


28/06/2024 - 13/10/2024
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