Agnès Pezeu, Sauvage

Agnès Pezeu, Sauvage : A.PEZEU, 2022, grès, porcelaine, L 60CM ©ICERNEAU    Agnès Pezeu, Sauvage : A.PEZEU, 2023, grès, cuir, L 60CM ©ICERNEAU    Agnès Pezeu, Sauvage : A.PEZEU, 2018, dessin de terre, 45 X 30 cm. ©ICERNEAU    Agnès Pezeu, Sauvage : A.PEZEU, 2023, grès, H 45 cm. ©ICERNEAU   

The exhibition

The drawings and sculptures in Agnès Pezeu's "Sauvage" series are of two types. On the one hand, animal portraits, executed in Indian ink or wet clay in a memetic, mental way, with a strong imaginary quotient. On the other, sculptures (which can sometimes be used as furniture) whose various elements evoke the animal through some of its physical characteristics (feet, mouths, ears...). The "wild" here is of a dual nature. It is born of the artist's inspiration, turned towards the animal world as a source and aesthetic referent. At the same time, it emanates from Agnès Pezeu's own "manner", which favors a lively, supple plastic style that eschews constraint. Lightweight drawings and sketches become definitive figures - the animal theme, the artist's gesture, the effect produced, all come together for the occasion under the guise of a creation akin to a free figure.


12/10/2023 - 20/10/2023
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