Pietro Lorenzetti
1280 (Sienne) / 1348 (Sienne)
Petro Lorenzetti was a painter of the Sienese school, descended from Byzantine art. However, he broke away from this heredity to become one of the precursors of the Renaissance style. The fresco in the left transept of the lower church of Assisi is one of his major works, among the most beautiful paintings of the Italian 14th century. He probably died of the plague with his brother in 1348.
Petro Lorenzetti was a painter of the Sienese school, descended from Byzantine art. However, he broke away from this heredity to become one of the precursors of the Renaissance style. The fresco in the left transept of the lower church of Assisi is one of his major works, among the most beautiful paintings of the Italian 14th century. He probably died of the plague with his brother in 1348.
Coffret: Homme en perspective; Homme en jeu
Daniel Arasse Hazan Ces deux textes réédités et illustrées, fruits d’études approfondies publiées pour la première fois en 1979 et 1980 respectivement, se distinguent par l’approche hétérodoxe dont Daniel Arasse, éminent historien de l’art et spécialiste de la Renaissance italienne, s’est fait maître. La grande vertu de ces ouvrages réside dans la générosité de cet a ...